Excitotoxicity and Medical Marijuana (Cannabis)

Excitotoxicity and Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) Summary. In Excitotoxicity, nerve cells suffer damage or death when the levels of otherwise necessary and safe neurotransmitters such as glutamate, AMPA, or NMDA become pathologically high resulting in excessive stimulation of receptors. Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter with an important function in the brain. However, at high levels, Glutamate [...]

Alzheimer’s Disease and Medical Marijuana (Cannabis)

Alzheimer's disease is one of the core certifying conditions qualifying a client for treatment with Medical Cannabis. This means that scientific evidence has shown clear benefits from cannabis therapy. Description: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disease causing 60–70% of cases of dementia. Typical symptoms include difficulty in remembering recent events, problems with [...]

ALS and Medical Marijuana (Cannabis)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) ALS is one of the core certifying conditions qualifying one for treatment with Medical Cannabis. Description: ALS is a disorder of unknown cause that attacks the nerve fibers that control the actions of muscle. It is a fatal motor neuron disease resulting in an inability to control [...]