Excitotoxicity and Medical Marijuana (Cannabis)

Charles Booras, MD

Excitotoxicity and Medical Marijuana (Cannabis)

Summary. In Excitotoxicity, nerve cells suffer damage or death when the levels of otherwise necessary and safe neurotransmitters such as glutamate, AMPA, or NMDA become pathologically high resulting in excessive stimulation of receptors.

Glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter with an important function in the brain. However, at high levels, Glutamate is toxic and will damage or kills neurons (nerve cells) in the body.

Excitotoxicity is felt to be involved in the nerve damage caused by Stroke, Spinal cord injury, Traumatic brain injury, Multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, ALS, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Hearing loss, Alcoholism, Hyperammonemia (Elevated ammonia levels) and rapid benzodiazepine withdrawal.

Some of the most compelling discoveries about the neuroprotective properties of cannabis have come from studies that were actually funded to look for risks associated with the use of cannabis. For the most part, the opposite was found and studies have demonstrated very low risk with a surprisingly large number of benefits!

The scientific consensus that has arisen from this body of data is exciting. The human Endocannabinoid System can be viewed as an intrinsic system of neuroprotection, a homeostatic protector of the brain and spinal cord against the development of excitotoxicity.

Cannabinoids also defend against the inflammatory response that continues to damage nerve cells following brain injury. Chronic neuroinflammation is also believed to be one of the causes of age-related neurodegenerative diseases.”

“The scientific literature supporting the effectiveness of Medical Grade Cannabis is extensive and of high caliber.”

“It is also time for healthcare professionals to engage in critical evaluation and engaged commentary on the systems of prohibition that force honest patients to become criminals should they try cannabis. Educate yourselves to form an opinion and ethical position on the use of criminal sanctions to deny access to medical marijuana. I have personally found that many people resort to using Street Marijuana as a form of self-medicating for legitimate medical problems They should not be condemned for this and would be better served by getting certified for proper use of Medical Marijuana (Cannabis), which tends to be effective if the client has been Educated and provided with Guidance as to what products to use combined with Follow-up to make adjustments if needed.

As for me, I believe that measures like Amendment 2 in Florida are a cautious approach and a moral imperative.” (Editor’s note: I completely agree with this comment by the esteemed Neuroscientist, Greg Gerdeman, PhD)

Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

“Preclinical data indicate that cannabis has powerful antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and neuroprotective effects. Cannabis also has properties applicable to symptom management of ALS, including analgesia, muscle relaxation, bronchodilation, saliva reduction, appetite stimulation, and sleep induction. With respect to the treatment of ALS, from both a disease modifying and symptom management viewpoint, clinical trials with cannabis are the next logical step.

***Based on the currently available scientific data, it is reasonable to think that cannabis might significantly slow the progression of ALS, potentially extending life expectancy and substantially reducing the overall burden of the disease.”***

Intravenous CBD for Brain-Damaged Babies???

Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is caused by asphyxia. It the leading cause of infant fatalities in the United States affecting 2 or 3 newborns out of every 1000 births. The only known treatment is hypothermia. Cannabidiol (CBD) reduces Neuro-inflammation and damage caused by oxidative stress. CBD also diminishes glutamate-related excitotoxicity!

A pre-clinical study in Spain using animals using both IV CBD and hypothermia showed that “they were reducing brain damage by almost 100%. This showed a dramatic synergistic effect because hypothermia alone and CBD alone were not working. CBD and hypothermia together led to a remarkable neuroprotective effect.”

A clinical trial was started in Spain last summer (2019) to treat infants with brain injuries using one of three treatments; IV CBD + Hypothermia, Hypothermia alone or Hypothermia plus a placebo. It will take 18 months to see results.


Modified by Charlie Booras, MD on December 7, 2020.

Updated on February 2, 2021